Fair Play Guidelines

RYSA FAIR PLAY Policy and Expectations

Fair Play Code For Players:

 1.  I will participate because I want to, not because my guardians want me to.
 2.  I will play with integrity and by the rules.
 3.  I will control my temper - negativity, fighting, and “mouthing off” spoils the game for
 4. I will respect my opponents and team mates, because without them there would be no
 5. I will do my best to be a team player.
 6. I will remember that winning isn’t everything, that having fun, making friends, improving
     my on and off field skills and trying my best are what’s important.
 7. I will acknowledge all good plays and performances, whether my team mates or the
 8. I will remember that coaches and referees are there to help me. I will accept their
     decision and show them respect.
9.  I will never question or argue the referees calls on the field or their honesty.
     I will not use bad or negative language towards team mates, opponents, referees,
     coaches or spectators.

Fair Play Code For Coaches

1.   I will be reasonable when scheduling extra games and practices, young players have
      other interests and obligations outside of the sport.
2.   I will teach my players to be respectful of the rules, opponents, and referees and to play
      the game fairly.
3.   I will ensure all players get equal instruction and support.
4.   I will not yell or ridicule players for making mistakes or performing poorly. I will
      remember youth play to have fun and will encourage and help build their confidence on
      and off the field.
5.   I will ensure the facilities and equipment are safe.
6.   I will remember that youth need a coach they can respect, and will be generous with 
      praise and lead by example.
7.   I will obtain proper training and continue to upgrade my coaching skills.
8.   I will not have unrealistic expectations and remember youth are not miniature
      professional athletes and should not be judge at that standard.
9.   I will encourage everyone to play by the rules and resolve conflicts without hostility or
10. I will never yell or ridicule a youth for making a mistake or losing a match. I will give
      positive comments to encourage and motivate.
11. I will not tolerate violence in any form towards team mates, opponents, coaches,
      referees, or spectators.
12. I will never the referees judgment or honesty in public.
13. I will respect the referees decision and encourage everyone to do the same.
14. I will support every effort to remove verbal and physical abuse from youth sports.
15. I will show respect for my teams opponents, without them their would be no game.
16. I will not use bad language, nor will I harass athletes, coaches, referees, or spectators.


Fair Play Code For Parents/Spectators

1.   I will not force my child to participate in sports.
2.   I will remember youth play sports for their enjoyment, not mine.
3.   I will not have unrealistic expectations and remember they are not miniature
      professionals and shouldn’t be judged by those standards.
4.   I will encourage all youth to play by the rules and not resort to hostility or violence or
      any kind.
5.   I will teach all youth that doing their best is more important then winning, and doing
      this will never leave them feeling defeated following a match.
6.   I will never yell at youth for making a mistake or losing a competition, instead I will give
      positive encouragement.
7.   I will remember youth learn best by role models leading by example. I will applaud good
      plays by both teams.
8.   I will condemn the use of violence in any form and will express my disapproval in an
      appropriate manner to coaches of referees.
9.   I will never questions the referees decision or honesty publicly.
10. I will respect the referees decision and encourage everyone to do the same.
11. I will support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from youth sports.
12. I will show respect and appreciation for volunteer coaches who give their time to the
13. I will show respect for my teams opponent, because without them their would be no
14. I will not use bad language, nor will I harass athletes, coaches, referees, or spectators.

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